Sarah Palin & Todd Palin - un American couple?
"My government is my worst enemy. I'm going to fight them with any means at hand."
Only one problem. The quote is from Joe Vogler, the raging anti-American who founded the Alaska Independence Party. Inconveniently for Palin, that's the very same secessionist party that her husband, Todd, belonged to for seven years and that she sent a shout-out to as Alaska governor earlier this year. ("Keep up the good work," Palin told AIP members. "And God bless you.")Vogler's greatest moment of glory was to be his 1993 appearance before the United Nations to denounce United States "tyranny" before the entire world and to demand Alaska's freedom. The Alaska secessionist had persuaded the government of Iran to sponsor his anti-American harangue. <>
The Republican ticket is working hard this week to make Barack Obama's tenuous connection to graying, '60s revolutionary Bill Ayers a major campaign issue. But the Palins' connection to anti-American extremism is much more central to their political biographies.
Listed below are the links to Youtube for the video that shows Sarah Palin and the Alaska Independence Party.
Alaska Independence Party Convention
Vice Chairman for the A.I.P video mentions Sarah Palin as being active with the party.
Did the Palins not believe that their dirty laundry would come out of the closet?
Another quote from the A.I.P.
"no use for America or her damned institutions".
Remember that Barack Obama caught a great deal of heat for having a pastor who was harshly critical of America. For some reason though, Republicans don't seem to have a problem with Palin being part of an organization that outright calls for secession from the Union.