Monday, June 06, 2005

New candid photos of the Liberal Government.

Wow! A suprising behind the scenes look inside the Liberal Cabinet. We can see Paul Martin(striking similar to Mr. Burns) and Prime Minister Martin’s chief of staff, Tim Murphy(Doh! Homer Simpson) watching the Cabinet(monkeys) hard at work.

It is just me or is Mr. Smithers similar to Scott Brison? Paul Martin similar to Mr. Burns? Scott Brison does everything he can to protect his master.

Isn't this great. We have life imitating art.

Liberals and Cults - strikingly similar!

I was listening to someone earlier talk about how nice it would be to have your own cult. Cults have certain perks such as; followers that give you their money and do whatever you ask.

I then had an amazing revelation! Liberals are a Cult!

Let's look at some definitons.

Political Cult.

1. A cult is a group of people devoted to beliefs and goals which are not held by the majority of society. Its marginal status may come about either due to its novel belief system or due to idiosyncratic practices that cause the surrounding culture to regard it as outside the mainstream. These cults are often centered around an unreliable charismatic leader(Paul Martin); and may use deceitful ways of recruiting and retaining members

Intensive indoctrination techniques include:
1) Subjection to stress and fatigue
2) Social disruption, isolation and pressure
3) Self criticism and humiliation
4) Fear, anxiety and paranoia
5) Control of information(CBC and Globe & Mail)
6) Escalating commitment
7) Use of auto-hypnosis to induce 'peak' experiences

Personality Cult.
(taken from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Personality cults aim to make the leader and the state seem synonymous, so it becomes impossible to comprehend the existence of one without the other. It also helps justify the often harsh rule of a dictatorship, and propagandize the citizens into believing that the leader operates as a kind and just ruler. In addition, cults of personality often arise out of an effort to quash opposition within a ruling elite. Both Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin used their cults of personality to help crush their political opponents.

The former Prime Minister Jean Chretien did have personality cult status in Ontario and Quebec. He could ask anyone in his party to do anything he wanted. He would never be accountable for anything negative that happened to his party. His Liberal followers(voters) always agreed with whatever he said no matter how stupid it sounded.

These followers have now taken Paul Martin as their new leader of their Cult. Paul Martin and his inner circle(cabinet) can rob his followers(higher taxes, adscam, gun registry debacle, etc) . These followers just smile sheeplishly and shrug and say "it's okay, we trust you".

We have to try to counteract the effect of this Liberal indoctrination.