Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Enron, Worldcom & Liberal Party of Canada

It's so annoying to listen to the Libbies (rabid and blissfully unaware Liberals) talk about their party. You hear them only talk about Conservatives in negative terms using words like "Hidden Agenda". They never talk about the bad news within their own party or even talk about the positive news. Their sole purpose is to create as much negative publicity with lies about Conservatives and subterfuge to create doubt in voter's minds about which political party to vote for.

This leads in to the following topic of:

Political Stupidity.


1. The quality or condition of being politically stupid.
2. A politically stupid act, remark, or idea.
3. Lacking intelligence. This "quality" can be attributed to both an individual himself (ex. Jim from Edmonton is politically stupid) or his actions, words or beliefs.

First, alittle history of the Gomery Commission and what it is trying to accomplish.

The Gomery commission is looking into the misuse of $350+ million (the amount resulting from a forensic audit) dollars for political gain.
The Liberal Party of Canada was responsible for the sponsorship program and advertising activities of the Government of Canada during the time this money was spent.

This commission has the power to call any individual to testify before the commission about the role they played during the time period the money was spent. They called the previous Prime Minster Jean Chretien and the current Prime Minster Paul Martin for their testimony. We can infer from their testimony that they can't recall anything regarding the sponsorship mess. It leads one to believe they spent too much time watching Hogan Heroes and learning the famous line from Sgt. Schulz, "I see nothing".

So how does this all apply to my subject heading "Enron, Worldcom and Liberal Party of Canada"?.

Bernie Ebbers, CEO of WorldCom wanted the jury to believe he didn't see anything, hear anything in regards to the accounting errors and falsified filings for the SEC. The executives of Enron are supposedly using the same defense. Are we to believe that these high-powered executives that deal with boards of directors and have managed billions of dollars are too stupid for their jobs?
It certainly didn't work for Bernie Ebbers.

Are we to believe that Jean Chretien and Paul Martin were so oblivious to their surroundings that they didn't know where the money was disappearing too? IF this is true, then we have had two STUPID Prime Ministers in the last 2 federal elections. They have also blown billions on a useless gun registry. Running the country of Canada is a Business. These 2 men should have been fired from their jobs years ago. They should be charged with commiting a criminal act but instead the voters from Ontario give them a pat on the back and say "Job well done"

Why would anyone want to elect a Prime Minister from the Liberal Party of Canada when they can't do their jobs.

Is it clear! The Politically Stupid Liberal voters of Ontario and the city of Edmonton don't either know how to read and find the truth or listen with both ears.