Fox News - Sarah Palin insider info
I knew that Fox News would come to their senses and move their election coverage more to the center of the political spectrum. If they want to be taken seriously as a news source; they have to show both sides. This video report showcases some of the insider info from the McCain campaign regarding Sarah Palin.
Every one could see from her interviews that she was not ready to be VP.
Which interviews would those be footballer? The interview where the only question she couldn't answer was one in which there are 6 competing answers of which none may be correct? The nearly flawless interview she gave on the Hugh Hewitt show? Or the Katie Couric one that the media played endlessly? It's easy to say "everyone could see" when you're assuming everybody only saw what you thought they were supposed to.
I totally agree. The Katie Couric interviews changed the game and turned the tables on the McCain campaign. I was initially concerned that Obama had made a mistake by not making Hillary the VP choice. The McCain seized the opportunity to have a woman VP and rushed out someone that wasn't on their short list. Someone that wasn't vetted for the job. It will be John McCain's biggest mistake in his political career.
Feyman and coulter's love child, I assume that you believe that Palin has the ability to reason and rationalize her thoughts outside of the Republican talking points. The Katie Couric interviews showed incredible weakness in reasoning outside of memorized talking points. She was basically a parrot.
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