Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Fighting the Liberal Menace.

I can only thank the stars that there are alot of Conservatives in this great country of Canada.

We all know that Liberals are cowards and hide behind untruthful words.

It's the Conservative vision of strength, fairness, and freedom of democracy that have given us the ability to defend Canada and help fight those that oppose it across the world. The Liberals would have everybody believe that appeasment and a pen and paper will win wars.

Thank God the Liberals didn't have a say during World War II. We would have lost everything if the current vision of Liberalism that exists today had a hold during World War II.

This leads me to the attack ads of the Liberals.

Yes, these ads are using quotes from the Conservatives.

But the Liberals fail miserably because these quotes when taken in the context in which they were used speak the truth about Canada and the direction Canada was headed in because of Liberal policy. Honesty is a good policy; Liberals lies are not.

Perhaps I should use Liberal philosophy and create my own ads about Paul Martin based on his record in government.

Paul Martin cut health transfer payments to the provinces and the result was hundreds of thousands of deaths because people couldn't get the health care they needed. People made to wait years for treatment.

NEWFLASH! Paul Martin Could Be The Worst Mass Murderer The Country Of Canada Has Ever Seen.

Paul Martin and his Liberal government is so soft on laws and punishment that gun violence and child molestation are running rampant throughout this country.

NEWSFLASH! Paul Martin Could Be The Worst Child Molester And Gun Runner The Country Of Canada Has Ever Seen.

It's easy to make blanket statements as long as you have some base to start from. The problem is no one will believe my statments listed above about Paul Martin and no one should believe any statements from the Liberal party in any ad.

Liberal ads twist the truth and never explain the context in which any quote was used.


Martin Luther King, Jr.:

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity"

The Liberal Party and Liberal voters should learn from Martin Luther King.


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